Health & Safety Policy
This Policy Statement forms part of the Pure Klass Cleaning Health and Safety Management System which we are aligning to ISO 2018 to recognise our responsibility to ensure compliance to all relevant health and safety legislation and eliminate hazards where possible. We are committed to achieving continual improvement in our Health & Safety Management.
It is the aim of Pure Klass Cleaning, as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that:
● We shall provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and/or ill health and is appropriate to the purpose, the size and context of our business and to the specific nature of its OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities we face.
● All employees will be provided with such equipment, information, assistance, training and supervision as may be necessary to personnel at all levels, having regard to risk assessment and individual capabilities;
● Provide, so far as is reasonably practical, safe methods of work, safe working conditions and a healthy environment assessing the risks inherent in the work we undertake.
● Provide health and safety arrangements including planning, organisation, leadership, control, monitoring, review and reporting;
● Ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, co-operation, co-ordination and exchange of information between employees / sub contractors and all other interested parties;
● Establish emergency and other procedures for serious and imminent danger
● Provide all health surveillance’s where required;
● Establish means of consultation on health and safety matters for all employees;
● Encourage and promote personal responsibility and effort on the part of all employees to avoid and prevent health hazards and injuries to themselves and others.
● The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work are safe and without risks to health.
● Health and Safety objectives are set and reviewed through the management review process.
● Arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances for use at work are safe and without risk to health.
● There is suitable provision for the safe access and egress, to and from, all working areas. ● Empower all employees to stop working and seek guidance if they feel that their Health, Safety or Welfare is being put at risk.
Moses Opone
Managing Director
February 2024